Wednesday, May 17, 2017

El Camino UBF (Shepherd's Church) is John Baik's prison

Hello Everyone. If you haven't seen my previous articles or want to see them again here is the list:
Yes Wikigoat it is pretty insane and extreme that John Baik has surveillance cameras in his own home. But unfortunately that is just a tip of the spear so to speak.
John Baik has also placed surveillance cameras at the chapter outside on basically everyone as shown below:
Here is the address of the El Camino UBF chapter (Shepherd's Church): and
What kind of healthy Christian church keeps extreme surveillance on their own members? They don't. Only institutions like prisons do this.
As of this post the chapter is in continual decline both in power and number so John Baik and the Seniors have become very desperate. In their mind "If we can't get new people to come to the church let's try to coerced the current members to stay"
The seniors and Baik will try to come up with reasons why they have taken such measures. However, in the end they won't hold up or make any sense.
If you are a new "sheep"/student coming in to this chapter/church and have a gut feeling that something isn't right about it go with that gut feeling. I have a friend who also was a member that also left the chapter like me told me (and just to paraphrase) "I had a gut feeling that something was off about the church. But I ignored that feeling. Now I regret not going with that gut feeling"

If there is anything else you would like to know about El Camino UBF (Shepherd's Church) you are free to drop me an email:

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