Saturday, October 1, 2016

Loopholes/Cracks in the UBF system & techniques you can use to resist their mind control pt 1

1. Silent Treatment. The one-to-one bible studies are similar/parallel to counsel/psychiatry sessions. I went to a psychiatrist back in high school in the 9th grade and I distinctly remember (I'll call him Mr. C) hearing from him that "If you don't speak then I can't help you". And it was true for he didn't want to do all the talking but instead wanted me to be engaged by conversing. So if you remain silent, don't converse, and answer to your bible teacher as briefly as possible the bible teacher won't be able to figure you out.

2. Keep testimonies close to surface level as possible. When they ask you to do testimony writing do it on surface level: summarize the passage, (optional reference other passages in the bible), and when writing on yourself make it as brief as possible ex: I committed the sin of lust. But never go into details. For my bible teacher accidently revealed and gave away the fact that in the church they only know about you based on their observations of what you say, and do. So if they tell you that you are ____________ or your being _________ or that you need to repent of__________ it is based on what they have seen and heard about you. The less you reveal about your personal life the better.

3. Don't address anyone as shepherd, missionary, or God's servant. When you don't they will eventually reveal their true colors by getting emotional, develop an attitude, and will say tell you along the lines of "Its respect if you address me this way". But you are in no obligation to address them that way and furthermore they shouldn't take it personally when they preach about forgiveness. If anything address the members by their first name and the "missionary" as pastor or sir or madam.

4. "Kick out" is just a scare tactic. In the U.S it's illegal to remove anyone from the church. (The exceptions are if one physically harms a member or make a threat by destroying a member's property like popping tires of their car or smashing the window of their home.) If you don't go with their ideology then they want you out of there but at the same time they don't want to look bad or get into any legal trouble. So they will try to get you to become emotional or trick you into leaving. The chapters are designed in a particular way in that one would either go along with the church or that individual would just quit.

5. Powerful but not invincible. Just like how Superman has his own kryptonite the seniors and the pastor (those who have the real power) also have their own kryptonite (weakness). It differs on the member for they have their own unique kryptonite. It can be used against them to weaken them or for you to go in a defensive position. Referring back to #2 Don't ever reveal what your kyrptonite is to them for they will use it against you when you least expect it.

6. They are very gullible. They will believe practically anything you say, write, or confess to them especially if you are a new. You can write or say how you "did" drugs, joined a gang, had many lovers, etc and they will automatically believe you without question even though it is just a flat out lie.

7. Jedi mind trick. Yes the mind trick works on them. It is the matter of how you use it, the timing, and the execution. Here is a link to one of the many videos on the internet on some mind tricks and how to pull them off.

8. Reverse Psychology. This is related to #7 in that you can trick them to get to doing what you want them to do ex: getting them to back off, getting certain people to like you, who would snitch and who wouldn't, or getting them to stop rebuking you. For if you were to be upfront with them and ask them to for example stop pushing you into a corner then they will definitely not do it hence why this comes in handy.

9. The messages themselves.  You can use them to your advantage by pointing out the contradicts
when they ask you to do something questionable. Ex: If they ask you to ride with a female member and you are male use the message of compromise Genesis ch 21 and the message of adultery Matthew ch 5 against them. Then you can get out of that situation and you won't have to ride with a female member. Note: The members can also use this against you so make sure you have multiple references prepare, time your execution carefully , and use a combination of the other things on this list.

10. Don't answer their phone calls. Doing so will cause your heart or your knees to psychological become water letting yourself prone to them. But instead when you need to contact them or vice versa do it by text or email (I prefer email). In this way it dramatically decreases the chances of getting a jelly heart or watery legs. If they ask why you don't answer or contact them by phone calls tell them that you have limited minutes.

11. They only know about you based on their observations of you and intel from other members. This ties back to #2. In this way they become judgment but the flaw is that their judgment can be wrong many times.  This also ties back to #6 for they will automatically believe their judgment of you and what is told about you from other members without question.  You can use this to your advantage with things like #7 & #8. Luckily I am the only one my campus. For the other members that went to my campus have already graduated and have a full time job, an internship or some combination of both.

12. Deliver your own message. If you get picked to be a speaker than you can get out of it by putting minimal effort into the message continuously. Soon they will get someone else to take your place. If this fails then let whoever is in charge of editing your message & testimony revise it. Only that when it is your turn on the stage/podium share your initial draft not the final revised draft. This works for I saw a blog post of an ex-member of UBF of a different chapter do this.

13. Recorder: They allow you to record them on bible study and for the Sunday message. You can also record them via audio and/or video by having the recorder, mic, or camera hidden in your shirt. pants, or in a hat. They never do a captivity search on any member or anyone else. In this way you can catch them red handed and can be used as evidence against them.

Final notes/disclaimers: When applying any one of these on the list don't make it obvious or overdo it for you'll give yourself away and they will put up their guard all the more. Instead be unpredictable mix and match what's on this list , and be cautious of your timing & execution. You will know these things work especially after a year when the members (especially the Seniors and the Pastors): get emotional, distance themselves from you, develop a negative attitude towards you, become desperate, ask you seemingly random & bizarre questions, and try to make a deal with you. When they do this things don't give in to their demands or compromise with them but continue to do the things on this list      

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