Monday, December 26, 2016

Silence is NOT golden part 6

Article on the Russian (Ekaterinburg) UBF chapter

1. From "Orthodox Ural" site. Link:

(Note: Unfortunately the original source has been destroyed.)

Article on India UBF

Articles/Reports on German UBF

German UBF in general

1. Report by Cammans. Broken link:

3. Report by Reimer. Broken link:

4. Report by Keden. Broken link:

Bonn (German) UBF

1.  Info/Index page. Broken link:

Silence is NOT golden part 5.2

Articles/Reports on the Canada UBF chapter

[Note: This post is on the Articles/Reports of the Manitoba (Canada) UBF chapter]

1.  "The Manitoban" part 1. Broken link:

2. "The Manitoban" part 2. Broken link:

3. "The Manitoban" part 3. Broken link:

4. "The Manitoban" part 4. Broken link:

Silence is NOT golden part 5.1

Articles/Reports on the Canada UBF chapter

[Note: This post is on the Article/Reports of the Winnipeg (Canada) UBF chapter]

1. Winnipeg Free Press Article. Photocopy of the article:

2. The Winnipeg Sun article. Broken link:

3. The Uniter Article part 1. Broken link:

4. The Uniter Article part 2. Broken link:

Silence is NOT golden part 4

Articles/Reports on the Toledo UBF chapter

Recovered link:

2. Fox News Article. Reference:
Broken Link:
Recovered Link:

Article on the Washington UBF chapter

Articles/Journals on the Cincinnati UBF chapter

1. Cult Observer article. Broken link:

2. Wellsprings 2003 article. Broken link:

Saturday, December 3, 2016

UBF Censorship

In UBF censorship I will talk about UBF censorship in general. 

On the UBF website they have censorship several content on their page that will raise questions, controversy, suspicion, and bring contradictions. Here are several examples.

1. Here is a  link to a scholarly journal by a former UBF pastor that was censored and eventually removed from the UBF website.

Here is the link recovered: .Note this is the UBF censored version

Here is the full original uncensored of the scholarly journal PDF file:

2. Here is a link to a brochure that was up on UBF website but was removed:

Here is the link recovered:

The brochure looks pretty normal at first. But when I got to the section "Leadership Training" there was a line that said "Full-time worker training". So I thought is this God's salvation plan or an actually job that you have to do?

3. Here is a link to the endorsements that was on the UBF website but was removed:

Here is the link recovered:

When you look at the recovered link you will notice that back in 2007-2008 UBF went to several Christian leaders for recommendations in order to create a good image of themselves. This proves and confirms what Brian Karcher has said in his book Identity Snatchers in the Introduction specifically in the section "What is UBF?" about how UBF went to get letters from Christian leaders/Pastors. Some of the letters are sugarcoated like Sung-Kyu Choi's letter that just give postive feedback and praise to UBF. Others like William R. Glass bring up the accusations and criticism against UBF but passes it off as them "hav[ing] misunderstood [UBF's] Korean cultural roots, as part of their leadership style, and have wrongly associated them with cultic practices. Nothing can be further from the truth." Right below are the PDF links to the letters that the Christian leaders/Pastors wrote and sent to UBF. **Unfortunely Robert Coleman's letter PDF file couldn't be recovered and Chun-Yill Park's letter has been lost.**

Ruth A. Tucker's letter:

George Harton's letter:

John H. Armstrong's letter:

Scott Moreau's letter:

William R. Glass' letter:

Joon-Gon Kim's letter:

Sung-Kyu Choi's letter:

4. Here is the link to UBF's daily bread content back in 2011 which has been removed from the UBF website:

Here is the link recovered:

5. Here is the link that shows UBF's associations/connections that has been removed from the UBF website:

Here is the link recovered:

6. Here is the link that gives you an inside peek of UBF's operations that has been removed from the UBF website:

Here is the link recovered:

What stood out to me when I saw the recovered link are two things. The first one is the section "Missionary Training". In that section it reveals the criteria and process on how to become a UBF "missionary". The second thing that stood out is the section "World Mission Reports". I see that the true purpose on testimony writing/typing is not to build you up in Christ but to keep a surveillance on you. Think about it. The seniors and the chapter director a.k.a "pastor/missionary" only see you 2-3 times a week: Fridays, Sundays, (Saturdays if you play an instrument) and when you have bible study. So how do they know about what you do during the rest of the week? How do they know about your insecurities and "kryptonite"? That is where testimony writing/typing comes in. It is mind control in a different form. If a UBF chapter puts up many security cameras around the church it would be deem suspicious by members and "outsiders" alike. So testimony writings/typings are a subtle way of the seniors & pastor to keep an eye on you and control you to their image, mindset, and likeness. In addition to these UBF has confessed/admitted that they "U.B.F. has carried out many philanthropic activities". They admit that they are just doing good-looking activities. Also they confess/admit in the section "Publications" that their materials such as messages, question sheets, bible study notes, etc are "constantly being developed and published." UBF is always revising their history, beliefs, and doctrine. The only way you know that they have censored something is if you have the original copy and/or reference.

Saturday, November 19, 2016

Silence is NOT Golden part 1

UBF thought that they silenced the upstanders back in 2011 after the 4th "reform" movement.

However, that is WAY further than the truth. Below are UBF reform websites from UBF reform movements that have been archived by anonymous members.

International UBF Reform Website:

Korean UBF Reform Movement Websites:

1. Broken link:

2. Broken link:

4. Broken link:

German UBF Reform Movement Websites

1. Broken link:

2. Broken link:

USA UBF Reform Movement Websites:

1. Broken link:

4. Broken link:

Thursday, November 17, 2016

Silence is NOT golden part 3

Articles/Reports on the Triton UBF chapter:

1. These are testimonies from the missionary children (E.K and J.K) that left the chapter and more. Broken link:

2. An NBC special report. Broken link:

Recovered link: In the recovered link you will see a transcript of the special report and links to the video of the report. In the video Teddy Hembekides the pastor of Triton UBF back in 1997 was interviewed. Note: The audio is fine but the video quality is poor being at 240p.

Articles/Reports on the Chicago UBF chapter

1. WBNS TV Report. Broken link:

(Note: in order to see the video/broadcast you will need old school computer software like Windows 98)

3. Daily Herald Article. Broken link:

4. An attempted investigation by campus pastor Bill Lewis. Broken link:

5. Suicide of Sarah Regina Thompson Article. Link: 

Friday, October 28, 2016

Silence is NOT golden part 2

In this post there will be links to some lost/missing content that has been found/recovered. This content is mainly comprised of blogs from ex-members of UBF and articles/journals by third parties and/or authorities that documented UBF being caught red-handed which UBF tried to silence but failed.

List of Articles/Journals on UBF in general

1. Here is an article of a UBF chapter "targeting" students at the JHU college campus. Here is the broken link:

Short List of  Blogs

Blog of Emily M. Francis. Here is the broken link: .
 Recovered link:

Blog of Sarah J. Rhee. Broken link:
Recovered link:

Blog about what is truly going on the El Camino UBF chapter: 

Spanish Blog (From Mexico, Central America, or South America UBF):


On the Escape UBF blog there was a 2007 list of college campuses that have (and still) banned UBF. 
Here is the broken link:
Here's the recovered link:

An article on the Canada UBF chapter being banned.
Broken link:
Recovered link:

This is a very rare powerpoint that only chapter directors and those at UBF HQ have access to. 

This powerpoint is a clear outline of how UBF really works behind closed doors. 

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

UBF “Fishing” 10/18/16 -text messages amongst EX UBF Members

UBF “Fishing” 10/18/16 -text messages amongst EX UBF Members

C: Unfortunately, they fish to teach false doctrine and indoctrinate people to UBF, but fishing is just another religious activity for them in how they try to discipline their flesh, it would be different if they went out to actually preach the gospel with people.

K: It Seems to me that even “fishing” in the UBF sense is unbiblical. It’s not an attempt to preach the gospel, but rather to trick young people into attending subtly deceptive recruitment sessions. Find me one example of Christians “fishing” one to one students in the scriptures. Find me one passage that 
says one to one is better than groups because it’s easier to control someone that way.

C: @K couldn’t have said it better.

A: Well it becomes unbiblical because if you leave their bible study you leave God’s will in some way.

E: Fishing is cool, but it’s not the only way… I would have fun fishing.

E: Teaching was harder.

C: Cool doesn’t make it right or correct.

E: I hated when I had to “challenge” students tho…  man it would get heated.

A: When It becomes about student staying instead of just giving them the gospel and pointing to 
Christ- then that’s when it gets crazy!!

A: Yeah, me too.

E: I think fishing is biblical but for the most part I think Jesus sent them out two by two.

E: But yeah what they do isn’t even fishing.

C: Its evil for them to make us think you’re sinning when you’re not fishing.

E: It’s just plain hunting people down.

A: yeah, that’s true @C and @E

C: Or for them to make you fell obligated to fish.


E: Yeah that’s a sing on their part

A: @k-yeah fishing just “College Students”

E: That’s that binding heavy loads on u

A: yup!

K: There are other similar activities that are biblical, but I would call it by another name because it is another thing. “Fishing” is the process of specifically looking for vulnerable people and enticing them via half truths into a situation where you can manipulate them easier. There are specific cases where fishing can be biblical, but UBF generally pressures you to approach It the “Ideal” way.

C: The work of God is the work of the Cross on what Christ did at Calvary overcoming sin and death! That’s the power that saves us is what He did with his blood, fishing is not the work of God, they make you believe fishing is the work of God, and make you feel bad for not doing it.

E: Well Jesus did say that if you followed him he will make u a fisher of men.

A: Okay, so then how does that work… How do you make someone a fisher of men?!

E: You don’t Jesus does.

A: Okay true. But then what is fishing? Lol What’s the right way to fish?!

E: It’s not a requirement for justification but it’s a result of it.

E: But yeah I agree what UBF does is something else.

C: I believe there’s an appointed time when God will empower an individual by His Holy Spirit to preach the gospel, maybe when He thinks they’re ready.

E: Just throwing the word out there…like in the parable of the sower.. I doesn’t have to be on campus it can be anywhere… you throw the word/bait and then God draws people to himself through the word through/into the ocean of peoples.

A: Oh I see…..

K: By not setting out to prey on vulnerable people that you can mold into “disciples,” but rather to simply preach the gospel and to testify of Christ.

E: When you throw it into the sea… the sea actually represents the world based on a passage in 

E: Amen, yes to everyone.

E: N anyone

E: To every creature it says in Mark

A: Omg everything you guys said is sooo new to me… like mind blown!!! When did you guys realize this Cause you all had the same belief “System” as me at one time.

C: There's a lot we don’t share @A lol some stuff you might not be ready for lol

E: Just pray and read the scriptures without any preconceived bias n the spirit will speak to u

A: huh = (

E: Lmbo that sounds cultish

C: I’m just messin lol

K: A one to one Bible study can certainly be healthy and biblical, but only if done in the right spirit and in truth. We are not called to control people, and we have not failed when the people in our lives disobey us. We are called to love people and live for Jesus; God is the one who does the work. Remember, 3000 people were added to the church at Pentecost simply because they saw the love and the community of the early Christians… it is God who works.

A: Oh I hope so = (

A: @K- praise God

A: I started reading Matthew soo let’s see how God works. So many lies that need to be cut off!!!

E: Amen I agree with @K 100 percent but at the same time I do believe that everybody in the body of Christ has a function whether big or small… every function is important…. So although Christ did all the work necessary for  salvation we are still created for good works which he prepared before hand. Eph 2:1

E: Not in a legalistic sense but yeah

A: This is true

E: I don’t believe that all should be teachers or all should be shepherds etc.

A: Oh I see….

E: Its through our good works that God does the greater work… because Peter still had to preach in order  for the 3000 to be converted.


E: God can do anything he pleases but it seems to me that not all times but for the most part he uses a “vessel” to accomplish his purposes… correct me if I am wrong.

K: Oh yes of course. God works through us; that is the way He has designed his kingdom. But as soon as we try to manipulate people we are no longer letting God work.

K: Though as we all know He can still choose to work even through our flawed actions.

E: Amen… yes there are two phrases in the scripture… one is quenching the spirit and another grieving the spirit.

A: Amen!! So I can copy and paste these messages in a document and post them on the blog we have? Lol

E: My understanding is that quenching the spirit is when you don’t do what the Holy spirit is leading you to do… the other grieving the spirit is when you do the opposite to what the spirit desires.

E: UBF are pros at quenching the spirit

E: The Spirit will start to work through the preaching of the word, but then its put out or quenched when they include their false teachings, then at that point the spirit is grieved as well.

E: N then a counterfeit spirit creeps in

E2: Go for it @A

E: What’s crazy is that on the end everyone even Satan serves Gods purpose… in a sense.. for example the Pharisees and even the Romans served Gods purpose by crucifying Christ… but yeah I don’t want to be the one to serve God in the way lol

A: Lol yeah NO!!

C: @A I think part of the deprogramming that we have to do is separating our identity from the word of fishing and the religious thing we did at Shepherds Church, a lot of our identity was shaped up by what we did in that church, that’s why it was easy to become proud and self-righteous, when you were doing better than others in trying to discipline your flesh, your identity became at the expense of the religious work you did, that’s why when failed, you felt bad, condemnation came, guilt, and at times you weren’t even sure about your salvation when you weren’t doing the “work of God,” so you’re identity went up and down because you based it off of you and your actions, we have to learn to only shape our identity in Christ and His actions for us, what He did for us, surrendering what we are currently doing, and what we will do, to allow what he is doing to be accomplished and achieved in and through our lives.

Saturday, October 8, 2016

News Flash

Hello Everyone,

The website is out of hibernation. So now commenting is once again available.

So now if you wanted to comment on the 22 minutes of mind control article you can. Here is the link to the article:

Saturday, October 1, 2016

Loopholes/Cracks in the UBF system & techniques you can use to resist their mind control pt 2

1. Allies. This is very crucial. If you have cut off ties with family & friends while in UBF go and regain those connections whether they are people you have met or are virtual. It is also recommended to have someone to talk to. Brian J. Karcher the author of the book Identity Snatchers which I have provided a link to in a previous posts has make a website called a friendly community to UBF members both current and ex-members who have also experienced and/or witness the atrocities at UBF. At the site you can also submit articles/blogs as well as have discussions. Here is a link to his website: As of this post the site is on hibernation for the Fall.

2. Keep a blog. Whether it's public or private it is helpful to keep a journal/memo of events & experiences you had at UBF as an observation and/or reflection of what is going.

3. Be familiar with the legal system. It doesn't matter which state, city, or even what country you are it's a good idea to get familiar with the legal system particularly in regards to "religion" and abuse. Here is a book that I have at home which is quite handy. For I live in the United States particularly in California.    

4. Treat other members as equals. There is nothing in the bible that says 'it is wrong to treat others as equals as far as I know. It does say that you shouldn't put yourself above others (Matthew 10:24).

5. Don't use UBF vocabulary. I have touched upon this in the first part in #3. You are not obligated to address anyone as "brother", "sister", "shepherd/ess" , "sheep" nor "Missionary". Instead address them by their first name. For the preacher you can address them as pastor or sir or madam. Also use the language/terms that UBF deems as negativity such as: theology, mind control, programming, brainwashed, sarcasm, cop, criminal, attitude, business, close minded, fake, humanism, objectivism, melancholy, opinion, etc just to name a few.

6. Don't let members especially the seniors & the pastor come to your house. You are not obligated to let them into your personal life for they are technically not your parents. If you do choose to do so then keep your foot down. For they will either interrogate you or will offer you promises & deals. Should they do the latter don't accept the offers & promises.

7. Document, Document, Document. Keep record of all the texts, emails, and messages. I recommend taking screenshots/photos of all kinds of messages they send you. It is also a good idea to archive websites, content, etc relating to UBF. You can use or the wayback machine to do so. To archive with the wayback machine go to the bottom right of the main page, copy & paste the link/URL you want to archive, and click save page.
You can also use htttrack to archive entire websites: 

8. Be a smarty pants. They hate it when you get smart with them. Especially in regards to the messages or something that is said in bible study. It is most effective when you have evidence with you like two messages contradicting each other.

9. Be unpredictable. When you do any of these things on this list or of the list in part 1 don't do it by routine. For if you do so they will catch on really quick. Instead you want to throw them off guard every time. 

Final Note: After continually doing the things on this list and the list in part 1 they will eventually stop giving you "the talk" all together but that takes a long time.

Loopholes/Cracks in the UBF system & techniques you can use to resist their mind control pt 1

1. Silent Treatment. The one-to-one bible studies are similar/parallel to counsel/psychiatry sessions. I went to a psychiatrist back in high school in the 9th grade and I distinctly remember (I'll call him Mr. C) hearing from him that "If you don't speak then I can't help you". And it was true for he didn't want to do all the talking but instead wanted me to be engaged by conversing. So if you remain silent, don't converse, and answer to your bible teacher as briefly as possible the bible teacher won't be able to figure you out.

2. Keep testimonies close to surface level as possible. When they ask you to do testimony writing do it on surface level: summarize the passage, (optional reference other passages in the bible), and when writing on yourself make it as brief as possible ex: I committed the sin of lust. But never go into details. For my bible teacher accidently revealed and gave away the fact that in the church they only know about you based on their observations of what you say, and do. So if they tell you that you are ____________ or your being _________ or that you need to repent of__________ it is based on what they have seen and heard about you. The less you reveal about your personal life the better.

3. Don't address anyone as shepherd, missionary, or God's servant. When you don't they will eventually reveal their true colors by getting emotional, develop an attitude, and will say tell you along the lines of "Its respect if you address me this way". But you are in no obligation to address them that way and furthermore they shouldn't take it personally when they preach about forgiveness. If anything address the members by their first name and the "missionary" as pastor or sir or madam.

4. "Kick out" is just a scare tactic. In the U.S it's illegal to remove anyone from the church. (The exceptions are if one physically harms a member or make a threat by destroying a member's property like popping tires of their car or smashing the window of their home.) If you don't go with their ideology then they want you out of there but at the same time they don't want to look bad or get into any legal trouble. So they will try to get you to become emotional or trick you into leaving. The chapters are designed in a particular way in that one would either go along with the church or that individual would just quit.

5. Powerful but not invincible. Just like how Superman has his own kryptonite the seniors and the pastor (those who have the real power) also have their own kryptonite (weakness). It differs on the member for they have their own unique kryptonite. It can be used against them to weaken them or for you to go in a defensive position. Referring back to #2 Don't ever reveal what your kyrptonite is to them for they will use it against you when you least expect it.

6. They are very gullible. They will believe practically anything you say, write, or confess to them especially if you are a new. You can write or say how you "did" drugs, joined a gang, had many lovers, etc and they will automatically believe you without question even though it is just a flat out lie.

7. Jedi mind trick. Yes the mind trick works on them. It is the matter of how you use it, the timing, and the execution. Here is a link to one of the many videos on the internet on some mind tricks and how to pull them off.

8. Reverse Psychology. This is related to #7 in that you can trick them to get to doing what you want them to do ex: getting them to back off, getting certain people to like you, who would snitch and who wouldn't, or getting them to stop rebuking you. For if you were to be upfront with them and ask them to for example stop pushing you into a corner then they will definitely not do it hence why this comes in handy.

9. The messages themselves.  You can use them to your advantage by pointing out the contradicts
when they ask you to do something questionable. Ex: If they ask you to ride with a female member and you are male use the message of compromise Genesis ch 21 and the message of adultery Matthew ch 5 against them. Then you can get out of that situation and you won't have to ride with a female member. Note: The members can also use this against you so make sure you have multiple references prepare, time your execution carefully , and use a combination of the other things on this list.

10. Don't answer their phone calls. Doing so will cause your heart or your knees to psychological become water letting yourself prone to them. But instead when you need to contact them or vice versa do it by text or email (I prefer email). In this way it dramatically decreases the chances of getting a jelly heart or watery legs. If they ask why you don't answer or contact them by phone calls tell them that you have limited minutes.

11. They only know about you based on their observations of you and intel from other members. This ties back to #2. In this way they become judgment but the flaw is that their judgment can be wrong many times.  This also ties back to #6 for they will automatically believe their judgment of you and what is told about you from other members without question.  You can use this to your advantage with things like #7 & #8. Luckily I am the only one my campus. For the other members that went to my campus have already graduated and have a full time job, an internship or some combination of both.

12. Deliver your own message. If you get picked to be a speaker than you can get out of it by putting minimal effort into the message continuously. Soon they will get someone else to take your place. If this fails then let whoever is in charge of editing your message & testimony revise it. Only that when it is your turn on the stage/podium share your initial draft not the final revised draft. This works for I saw a blog post of an ex-member of UBF of a different chapter do this.

13. Recorder: They allow you to record them on bible study and for the Sunday message. You can also record them via audio and/or video by having the recorder, mic, or camera hidden in your shirt. pants, or in a hat. They never do a captivity search on any member or anyone else. In this way you can catch them red handed and can be used as evidence against them.

Final notes/disclaimers: When applying any one of these on the list don't make it obvious or overdo it for you'll give yourself away and they will put up their guard all the more. Instead be unpredictable mix and match what's on this list , and be cautious of your timing & execution. You will know these things work especially after a year when the members (especially the Seniors and the Pastors): get emotional, distance themselves from you, develop a negative attitude towards you, become desperate, ask you seemingly random & bizarre questions, and try to make a deal with you. When they do this things don't give in to their demands or compromise with them but continue to do the things on this list      

Friday, September 30, 2016

Five Things That Helped My Journey out of UBF

Leaving an organization like UBF is often a messy, complicated process. The level of emotional and spiritual manipulation that one has experienced by the time they are compelled to leave can lead to stress, anxiety, fear and confusion. Cult dogma that has been grafted in and emotionally hardened over the course of years is not easily tossed aside, and it is not simple to sort out the truth from the twisting. Am I really leaving God’s will? Does this mean that I’ve compromised in my faith? But what about all the good things that have happened in the ministry?

Therefore, when the time comes that the Spirit prompts one to leave an unhealthy church, it is the start of a long, bumpy process. Here are some things that helped me along the way.

1. Prayer

At the time God opened my eyes to the truth about UBF, I was in the habit of praying for a couple of hours every day because I was living in the common life. During this process, I used that time to bring my concerns to the Lord rather than suppressing them, since I knew that He would not lead me astray (“Which of you, if your son asks for bread, will give him a stone?” - Matthew 7:9). Specifically,

I prayed for clarity. I asked God to remove the fog in my mind and enable me to understand the way UBF works and what exactly is unhealthy about it. I asked Him to reveal true biblical doctrine and to show me what a healthy ministry should look like.

I prayed for discernment. I asked God to let me distinguish between right and wrong. I asked Him to distinguish between the two voices that were pulling at me: one the voice of peace, logic and clarity, which was leading me out of UBF, the other the voice of fear, sentiment and blindness which was urging me to remain.

I prayed for guidance. I asked God to lead me down the path the He’d chosen for me. I asked Him not to let me take a wrong turn; I begged Him to force me in the right direction. Whether I remained in UBF or left, I prayed that God would make His will painfully obvious to me.

I prayed for strength. I asked God, no matter what decision He led me to make, to build me up and empower me to follow through with His will. I asked Him not to let me hesitate and stumble but to obey and press forward with a pervasive commitment to Him.

I prayed for Jesus. I asked God, in the face of all these struggles, ultimately to center my heart, mind and soul on Christ, so that I could serve Him in spirit and in truth. I asked Him that, through this trial, He would lead me into a deeper and fuller relationship with Himself.

Much of my prayer time was spent at the church building. In that environment, you were often expected to pray out loud, and even louder the more people were there. In these cases, I prayed on these matters silently as I audibly prayed for the usual vague things (mercy, mission, “You alone, Lord!”). I also made a special effort to find times when I could pray by myself, away from the influence of other people, so that I could approach God sincerely and openly. Which leads to the next point:

2. Meditation

A practice that UBF never emphasizes is the balance between community and solitude. When you worship, you worship with your co-workers. When you pray, you pray with your co-workers. When you study, you study with your co-workers. However, both the Bible and the history of the Church place great value on solitude: taking time to remove yourself from other people and from the regular routine, including “spiritual activities”, and spend time with God. Jesus especially was in the habit of doing this regularly.

During the time when I was making the decision whether to leave UBF, I started a regular habit of meditating on the scriptures by myself. I would read a passage and try to determine its meaning apart from the UBF doctrine, praying for the insight of the Spirit. I often wrote down my reflections and thoughts on the passage as I was meditating. Then, after I had sought the Spirit’s insight, I would read commentaries on the passage to understand it on a deeper intellectual level as well. Some days, when I felt a special need to draw close to God in solitude, I fasted from food. My relationship with God deepened as I sought Him in this way. Additionally, as I removed myself from the constant influence and manipulation of UBF practice, I started to see the organization with more clarity as well.

3. Support System

Many people who want to leave UBF (and many cults) find themselves trapped because they have been manipulated to cut off ties with friends and families. By the grace of God, I had not reached that point yet (though I was beginning to feel the pressure from my shepherdess). During the final stages of my exit process, I finally shared my concerns with some family members and friends. I was also attending an independent Bible study at my school (which I never mentioned to my UBF co-workers), so I had a strong Christian support group to help me through the process.

For some, it is impossible to leave a manipulative organization without a support group, because then they would be forced to work through the confusion and the fear on their own. Some do end up leaving, but are left stranded. My suggestion: if you are considering leaving UBF (or another group), don’t be afraid to reach out to family and friends for help. Even if you have cut off ties, usually they are still very concerned about you and will be aching to help you in your time of need.

At the same time, I realize that family members sometimes don’t fully understand what it is that you are going through. My own family was supportive, but couldn’t offer much direct advice because they didn’t grasp the kind of manipulation under which I had been living. Still, there are plenty of people more than willing to talk with you and help you through this process. I started commenting on the blog at for advice as I was leaving UBF (it is on hold right now, but will be back sometime in October). They are all people who have been through UBF and understand how the system works. Also, feel free to email me if you just need someone to talk with about all of this. I would be more than happy to help!

4. Godly Counsel

Before making my final decision to leave UBF, I sought out the advice of Christians whom I admired. This can be difficult if one has been in a group like UBF long enough, because the sincerity of outside Christians is usually downplayed. Still, UBF at least does not claim to be the only valid church like some cults do, even if they claim to be the only valid church for you. Because of this, I felt comfortable emailing the pastor of a church up in my hometown, whom I recognized as a man with a deep faith and a clear grasp of scripture. His advice was clear-cut and to the point: you need to get out. Reading those words was the last wake-up call I needed, because if another genuine Christian recognized the red flags of UBF so quickly it had to be a serious matter. Most pastors of healthy churches will recognize an unhealthy church immediately if you describe it well enough, and they will be able to help you make your final decision whether to stay or go.

5. Christian Community

One of the most important—perhaps the most important—aspects of following Jesus is community. After leaving an abusive church, it may be difficult to move on. You may have unexplainable desires to return, even though you know that you’ve made the right choice. You may never want to deal with a church again. Maybe the best thing to do once the excessive burden is removed is to finally take a break and seek God on your own for a time. However, I would strongly advise anyone leaving an unhealthy organization to seek out a healthy, Jesus-loving, gospel preaching church.

I started attending a new church immediately after leaving UBF because some of my Bible study friends invited me to check it out. The community offered me support as I healed from my experience in UBF. It offered sound doctrine and fellowship. It helped to secure my foundation as a Christian seeking Jesus.

Because cult-like groups disparage outside Christian churches, when I left UBF I felt a desire to church hop. I wanted to move from church to church until I found a body that was just as zealous for religious activities as UBF had been. However, I am glad now that I didn’t. I’ve realized since leaving UBF that no church is perfect, but that the most important thing in a church is healthy, sound doctrine that focuses on Jesus. A church may lack a campus evangelization ministry, or it may only sing traditional hymns (or only contemporary music), or it may do this or that or the other, but none of those things would change the fact that it is a gathering of sinners who need the gospel. My new church is not perfect by any means! But it is healthy, and God placed me there to serve Him and to encourage the Body of Christ.

If you are struggling with a decision about UBF or any other group, I hope that this post finds you well. Please know that I have no intention to tell you what to do; I can only speak to my own experience and to what I have learned about the true nature of Christian community. I would encourage you to continue praying, meditating, and seeking counsel from the people in your life as you work through these problems, because it really is a decision that you have to make. Just remember: as you seek Him, the Holy Spirit will lead you to all truth.

God bless you all!

MH –

Sunday, September 25, 2016

Abuse, Abuse, and More Abuse

This is an article about a recording of my bible teacher abusing me. The recording itself is on the site. So now there is actual evidence of spiritual abuse. Unfortunately the website itself is on hibernation so you won't be able to post comments there. However you are free to leave comments on this blog

Here is the link to the article:

Saturday, September 24, 2016

A Forbidden Bond

Hello this is Mr. Vercetti,

My real name is not important but the story that I am sharing with you all. In the UBF chapter that I'm in which is located in California near a freeway is a cult. Yes a CULT. In the UBF system the seniors and the "pastor" frown upon the male members interacting with female members and vice versa even if they talk about the bible.

There was a female member that I admired and respected. (In this story I will refer to her as Evelyn). She was a kind woman who would smile at me, say hi, and was willing to converse with me on Google hangouts. To me she was like the best friend that I never had. Her greetings would always be in capital letters like this: HI. Once at a bible conference as my group and hers were helping to pass drinks and food to students she said to me quote:"________ you really are a great servant of God" all while smiling. It was her personality that became a fundamental stress reliever. Evelyn would always sit next or very near to me whenever the opportunity arise whether it was at Sunday Service or a bible conference. We would even exchange quick glances at each other whenever we can.

One day on Saturday I was waiting for my bible teacher. (This is when I still had bible studies with that guy). He finally showed up and the room reserved for me and him was the room that Evelyn and her bible teacher was using. I wanted to do bible study outside for I knew that Evelyn wasn't finished and I wanted to be mindful of her. But my bible teacher instead of being a so-called "shepherd" as he "preached" about in bible he became a TOTAL JERK by barging in the room and disrupting Evelyn's bible study. That was NOT NECESSARY!!! I was anguished to the point where I didn't converse with my bible teacher. She got out of the room with her bible teacher and smiled as she pass me by. During the bible study that bible teacher starting talking about not having desire for human love on purpose all because he judged me and thought that I had a romantic interest in Evelyn. He deliberately went off tangent in the bible study to talk about that for we were doing 1 Samuel which had nothing to do with marriage or anything of that sort.

But recently I started to notice that Evelyn was putting on a mask for the church. I saw once after Sunday worship while talking with her brother that Evelyn was emotionally burdened. As she got to the car she was driving she barked at her brother, a visitor, and to another female member; telling them "Hurry up!! I got to get to work!!". (She is a manager at a restaurant). While she was saying this I was exchanging my number with her brother. When Evelyn saw me she stopped, become quiet of a sudden and looked at me. At that moment we looked at each other's eyes and when I looked carefully I saw that her eyes told her the true story. In them I saw that she was melancholy, bitter, burdened, and angry. This was the result of UBF's demands and psychological pressure on her which was starting to take a toll on both her physical health and spiritual health.  To me she was always an equal and someone I can relate to. Interestingly we both have a similar backstory of trying to find the "one", having running as a passion, and eating problems.

As of this post she has unfortunately deleted her Google hangouts account. However I was able to email her recently telling her what was really going on in my life, my real thoughts and feelings about life. She hasn't replied back. My regret is not getting to know her personally and not being a true friend like Jesus to her.

E.L.S. If you are reading this know that I won't ever rip you off or betray you. I will never change my contact. You will always be my friend even if you tell on me for this or hurt me.

My Testimony

Hello, my name was Shepherd X. I was born into a nominal Christian household and lived in spiritual apathy until God led me to UBF. Then, I became born again by accepting God’s true calling for my life and teaching the Bible one-to-one on my college campus to many lost sheep. However, I never had a real relationship with Jesus, only theology, so I eventually fell away back into my old life, breaking my shepherdess’ heart.

This is my story, according to the University Bible Fellowship.

Or at least, as a matter of speculation, I’d imagine that, if I’m ever mentioned at all anymore in my former chapter, those four sentences would comprise the extent of my personal biography. Of course, I cannot know for sure that this is the case. But I can infer that it is so, because those four sentences were the most I ever heard anyone speak concerning former members while I was still in the organization. In fact, I think I can list every time former members come up in UBF: about a half dozen times in Bible study, when my shepherdess talked about her now-lost sheep; maybe once or twice in a testimony; once in passing during a private conversation. Other than that, former members for the most part do not exist to those living under UBF doctrine.

Yet, ex-members do very much exist, and their stories are far more complicated than these passing simplifications. I, for one, can testify to my own experience, and I can assure you there is more to my story. Actually, now that I’ve already gotten started, I might as well start from the beginning. I’ll try to lay down everything as honestly as I can recall.

Before UBF

I was born in another city far from Los Angeles into a Christian family. Of course, that in itself means nothing; the spiritual journey of my immediate family has been bumpy at best, for sure. But, at the same time, I think my Christian origins are important to my story. My great-great-grandfather Hokvin, for instance, was a Swedish immigrant to the United States who had a habit of drinking himself to blackout every night in the local tavern. But in his forties, he attended a tent revival meeting where he had a dramatic encounter with Christ, and from that moment never touched alcohol and never missed a worship service for forty years. In fact, he helped found the Swedish Baptist church in my hometown. Many people in my family have had intense spiritual encounters and salvation experiences of this sort.

One such person, of particular relevance in this story, is my grandmother, who met Jesus when she was 26 and stuck with him through the rough seasons of life: divorce, financial problems, raising four children, caring for my aging step-grandfather (who passed away a year before I joined UBF). Her faith and wisdom had a huge influence on me in my spiritual walk. She was the one who bought me my first Bible in middle school, and I now believe it was through that that I first met Jesus myself. She even supported and encouraged me, as I was in UBF, to seek God and serve Him alone. But let me back up, I’m getting ahead of myself.

Despite my early spiritual awakening, after middle school things stagnated. Because of some major problems in the leadership of our church, my family forfeit membership, and as such I was left without a home church for most of my high school career. I still read scripture from time to time and prayed as often as the thought came to mind, but I lacked strong, Christian community and discipleship. I never developed healthy devotional habits and I did not grow much in my walk with Christ. I had no solid foundation.

At the same time, I was trying to work through my emotional deficiencies. In school I was a loner; I would spend my lunch and free times practicing music. I studied diligently (most of the time) to maintain a strong grade point average. It was only by senior year that my friends were finally starting to get me out of my shell, but by that point I was sick of school, sick of my hometown and ready to move on and start life fresh. I left home to attend college out of state, and at first it was everything of which I had dreamed. Soon, however, the realization hit me: everyone that I knew and loved was back home, and I had left them behind when I came to college. On one hand, I was not lonely—I met plenty of great people in the new setting—but on the other, I was distinctly missing a sense of community and fellowship, and for my first two months of school adjusting to that realization took a toll on me.

Incidentally, by mid-October of freshman year I had still not sought out a church community. I had looked, briefly, for a campus ministry, but was overwhelmed by all the choices. Meanwhile, I was a detached, idealistic, young college student with emotional vulnerabilities. Could somebody check the books for the risk factors of cult indoctrination?

Becoming a UBF Shepherd

While I was walking back from class one evening, I was “fished” by my shepherdess. I still vividly remember the encounter. She spotted me and asked, “Are you interested in studying the Bible?” I remarked briefly, and awkwardly, that I was already studying it on my own (I always hate turning down people who approach you on the street). She picked up on my remark and elaborated about how it would be a one-to-one Bible study, and we would go “deeper” into the Word. At this point, I felt the full weight of my weak foundation: I knew that I had not been looking for a church and that I had not been growing as a Christian, and I felt that if I turned down her offer it would just be another example of me saying no to God. So, I accepted, expecting a weekly 30 minute commitment. I did not realize that thus began the most emotionally volatile year of my life.

Our first Bible studies were in the gospel of John. In UBF doctrine, this of course meant spending a lot of time talking about the definition of “life” rather than talking about the gospel, per se. Nonetheless, I was fascinated by the new perspective presented to me by my Bible teacher (I did not yet know her as my shepherdess): living for worldly things leads to death, but Jesus offers a new, better, spiritual life. What was this “new life” that was promised? Did I have it? Over the next several weeks, she laid a foundation for the idea that “new life” meant living for God’s mission, or God’s particular calling for me. She challenged my thoughts that I would serve God through my music and presented the case that, because God had led me into her Bible studies, He was calling me to adopt her mission as well. She had me believing that, according to the scriptures, I should desire to “take up my cross” and become a shepherd, and that if I retain any desire for “the things of the world” (friends, family, entertainment, music) I was clinging to my old life and rejecting Jesus’ new life.

Some of these teachings made sense to me. Others disturbed me. Were my desires to love family and friends really worthless? Was my emotional vulnerability really a sign that I was living in darkness? Would I have to give up my music in order to love God alone? I had the feeling that this Jesus she was talking about was a different Jesus than the one I had met growing up. But I was also convinced that all of my Christian background was really just a false conversion, evidenced by my lack of “fruit” (commitment to God’s mission).

After all, so many people in my family had those incredible salvation experiences, but I had never experienced anything like that. My spiritual walk had been slow and uneventful. Then suddenly, I was thrust into this violently new scenario. She invited me to her church, which turned out to be a UBF chapter south of Los Angeles, and I immediately noticed the zealousness of the members and the commitment to “fishing” and teaching the Bible. They were also extremely nice to me, offering free food and letting me serve in the orchestra. I liked the fact that they sang traditional hymns from hymnals and I especially liked that it was a very small church that gave a closer sense of community. This was it: these were real Christians. And if I had any doubts, concerns or anxieties, they had to be evidence of my sinful nature trying to claim me back to the darkness.

After a month of Bible studies, I attended that year’s Fall Bible Conference. At the event, I was exposed pretty much ceaselessly to a stream of testimonies and sermons promoting the UBF lifestyle for two days straight. I heard testimonies about people giving up careers and passions to do UBF activities. I heard testimonies about people leaving their families to do UBF activities. The whole time, I felt a deep, unexplainable urge to stand up and run away, but I remained. The first night I almost couldn’t sleep because I was overwhelmed with anxiety and fear about what God might be calling me to do. I thought that the guilt and fear I was experiencing was conviction, because I had never been instructed about conviction growing up. By the end of the conference, I had broken down, and I made the commitment to become a shepherd. In doing so, I felt all of the pressure fly away, and from that point on I knew that if I just obeyed my shepherdess “absolutely” I wouldn’t need to experience the guilt and the fear (yes, I confused conviction with manipulation). I also started teaching my first “sheep” the same month.

That winter, my shepherdess allowed me to fly back home for Christmas even though she tried to get me to stay for “winter Genesis intensive”. I would have been more than willing to study Genesis several times a week, but I also felt an obligation to my parents, who had raised me, were paying for most of my education and had been expecting me to return home. It also would have been difficult to cancel plane tickets and find funding to live in LA over the break on such short notice, since my dormitory lease did not cover winter vacation. Regardless, I still Skyped Bible studies with her as often as possible, and even tried leading my parents in Bible study as well. Whenever my mother walked in on one of our Skype Bible studies, I could immediately detect tension in my shepherdess, and she would stop everything and become very quiet until my mother left. I didn’t dwell on that fact though, and continued with the studies. Soon it was time to return to Los Angeles.

Turning for the Worse

As spring semester began, I was excited to start serving God through Bible studies. I didn’t do much fishing in the first few months, but I did find a few “sheep” just by asking people that I knew if they wanted to study the Bible. Soon I had about five people involved with my Bible studies, plus or minus one depending on the week. I was very happy to report my progress in Friday testimony sharing meetings, which I also started attending (even though I had to cancel other commitments).

However, fairly soon I started noticing that there were some theological matters with which I didn’t fully agree. UBF doctrine covers this, of course: according to them, being too intellectual and theological means you justify your sin and compromise in your commitment to mission. I accepted this teaching, of course, so I never brought up any of my disagreements with my shepherdess and tried to play along without touching on the area of concern. It wasn’t long before conflict came up.

For instance, I never accepted the UBF interpretation of the Sabbath. I didn’t see anything in scripture that suggested God’s reason for the Sabbath was to get people to come to worship service; that assertion is not only inserted into the text, but it ignores all of the actual reasons for the Sabbath presented by scripture. Regardless, I still tried to commit to “absolute” Sunday attendance as a sign of my devotion to God, even though I disagreed with their interpretation. At the time, I was a member of a fairly prestigious choir at my school, and I had also made a commitment to accept the choir’s rigorous schedule and support my colleagues. Then, in February, it came time for a week-long trip to the American Choral Director’s Association conference in Salt Lake City, which included a Sunday.

I brought it up with my shepherdess to ask permission (because, at that point, I believed that I needed to ask her permission to do anything outside UBF practice). She rebuked me, and spent about twenty minutes trying to convince me not to go, even though it meant quitting the choir and ruining my reputation as a musician. I prayed about this subject over and over, and each time it seemed clear to me that God’s will was for me to go on the trip. I even mentioned to another shepherd at one point that I didn’t feel any conflict in my heart about missing one Sunday service; he responded, “Be careful, that might be the devil.” Regardless, my shepherdess went to the chapter director about the matter, and, to my relief, he allowed me to go for the sole reason that I had already made a commitment to the group and I shouldn’t break my promise. But next semester I would not audition for the choir again.

At this point I have to stop to praise God for His grace. I came very close to quitting that choir, and it was only the day before the trip that I received permission to go. And you know what God did for me on the trip? He put me in a room with three of the most wonderful Christian men I’ve ever met. When they found out that I was a Christian (incidentally, by noticing my Bible, my devotional My Utmost for His Highest and my hymnal, all of which my grandmother had given me…) they invited me to start attending their group Bible study, which consisted mostly of music students who met weekly both on and off campus. At these meetings, I started to grow in Christ in ways that I had not experienced in UBF. It wasn’t about external Bible study quotas, but about internal fruit of the Spirit. At each meeting, I experienced deep, overwhelming peace and security in Christ while pouring into His Word. Once, I think in March sometime, I mentioned to another shepherd that I was participating in this Bible study. They asked, “Oh, are you leading it?” to which I responded, “No, but it has been a blessing.” He gave me a concerned look and said, “Hmmm…” but never brought it up again. I decided not to tell my shepherdess about it, because I had the feeling that she would prevent me from going.

Still, I was committed to the UBF lifestyle by that point and I continued studying the Bible with my shepherdess and attending UBF activities, as well as teaching the Bible to my small group of students. About a month passed without a major incident. In April, I preached at a symposium, receiving huge amounts of praise from the chapter director and my shepherdess. I felt honored to have been allowed to serve God in that way, and I thought that I could finally rest in the peace of Christ. However, another road bump was just over the horizon.

By the end of April, I was happily doing two Bible studies a week with my shepherdess and also writing two testimonies every week, one for the Friday meeting and one to share with her privately. Then finally came the day of our final Genesis study. I was excited for it, because it marked the conclusion of a huge portion of my studies and the end of my “introduction” into UBF life. However, I soon realized that this study would not be a joyous conclusion. For the past few weeks, I had sensed my shepherdess hinting about topics related to my own decisions about summer vacation. Then, finally, for the last Genesis study—well, most of our Bible studies lasted from about an hour to about ninety minutes. This one lasted well over two hours, and most of that extra time was an extended rebuke.

My shepherdess revealed that I was potentially a candidate to deliver a message at their first Summer Bible Conference. I had made plans to travel back to my hometown for the summer, especially since I had already skipped spring break and cut short winter break before that. However, my shepherdess pressured me continually to cancel my plans and stay in Los Angeles, not just for the conference during the 4th of July but for the whole summer. She told me that I couldn’t be dedicated to God’s mission back at home, and that I had to commit to God alone, like Abraham did when he left his father’s country and gave up his son Isaac; like Rebekah did when she left her father to marry a stranger; like Jacob did when he sent his family over the river. By the end of the Bible study, I feebly told her, “I’ll pray about it” and walked back to my dorm trembling. Part of me was reviling against her instructions; I had a deep desire to return to my hometown so that I could love and encourage my family and friends spiritually. I prayed for two hours without finding any resolution to the conflict, but I sensed that I would not be relieved of the pressure to follow her directions unless I submitted. In the end, I tossed a coin five times and decided to cut short my summer and come back to Los Angeles after just a month, so that I had enough time to fulfill all of the commitments I had promised to keep up in my hometown, which meant spending about two weeks with my parents and a week at a music education job I had accepted.

The next day, I gathered my nerves and called my mother to let her know. She cried. My father was angry, and he accused me of trying to please my shepherdess rather than God. I tried to assure him that he was wrong and even tried to quote scripture to support my decision, but it felt empty. They said, “Do you know how hard this is for us?” and I responded, “Probably just as hard as it is for me.” I suppressed my emotions and tried to be as cold as possible. In the end, they relented, but told me that I’d have to pay for my own transportation, housing and food, which I did: nearly $2000, which was most of the money I had saved up by that point. On one hand, I felt relief that I had done what my shepherdess wanted, even if only in part, and that I was now “safe” from abandoning God’s will. On the other, I felt assaulted. It was only the next day that I found any kind of comfort. My grandmother called and left me a voicemail, telling me that she loved me and supported me no matter what, and that she was glad I was trying to serve God with all my heart. I cried on hearing the message, and then again when I repeated the message in my testimony the next Friday.

The end of that year and the start of that summer is a blur to me now. I know that I put most of my belongings in storage south of Los Angeles, near the church. I flew back home, did everything I needed to do, taught a few Bible studies to my parents and a couple friends, and then drove back for the conference in July. By that point, I had had time to work through my emotions, and I was no longer feeling conflicted about it. My parents had accepted it as well and sent me off with a blessing. Now that the rebukes had stopped, I once again felt that I was finally free to rest in the peace of Christ, just like I had felt back in early April. For the summer, I moved into the church’s “common life” apartment with three other shepherds, and I traveled to campus about five days out of the week to “fish” for “sheep” and so forth. Overall, I became fairly content with everything and I was as excited as I had ever been to serve God. People in the church praised me for making such a bold decision “by faith”. However, those theological concerns and negative experiences lingered in the back of my mind, covered by a thick layer of spiritual high.

The Road to Freedom

There was a brief window after the summer conference where I was almost completely submitted to UBF rule over my life. Living in the common life, it was easy to structure my entire life around UBF activities. I went “to prayer” at the church house twice a day, once when I woke up and once before sleeping. In the meantime, I was writing music, fishing on campus or doing Bible studies, and I was trying to cut down the time I spent writing music.

Shortly after driving to LA, my car broke down and was in the mechanic’s for almost a month. During this period, I would get rides to campus from the chapter director’s daughter, who was also a student there. My conversations with her (though, I will stress, never approached anything near “romantic”, nor would I have wanted them to) were the closest I think I ever came to having an equal relationship with someone in UBF. My shepherdess actually rebuked me once during this period for being too casual and not respecting the “spiritual order” of those who were in UBF longer than me; I was treating higher-ups more like brothers and sisters than commanding officers. Of course, I repented immediately, even though I didn’t really understand what I had done wrong. But I still got rides to campus with the same woman, since it was the most convenient option though my shepherdess tried to get me to take the bus instead.

At any rate, here is the point of this tangent: she would leave for campus earlier than I needed because she did most of her studying on campus rather than at home. So, every time, she would drop me off and I would go to the library before “fishing” to do morning devotions and any studying that I needed. My shepherdess had encouraged me to use the UBF devotional series, called “Daily Bread”, for my devotions, so I would normally go to Google and search “University Bible Fellowship Daily Bread” in the search bar. One day, I instead went to type “UBF Daily Bread”, but as I was typing I saw auto-filled “UBF cult”. It was like a moment of enlightenment. I had remembered my parents expressing concerns about me being in a cult, but I brushed them off. Yet, if “UBF cult” was common enough to be an auto-filled search result…?!

I did not go fishing that day. Instead, I spent about seven hours pouring over testimony after testimony of Christians who left UBF. I saw confirmed in the writing all of the doctrinal concerns that I had been pushing into my subconscious. I realized that much of what I had been made to do for UBF was not due to God’s will, but due to pressure from my shepherdess. I didn’t want to believe any of it. In fact, I wanted to prove those accounts wrong. I was even comforted when I read John Abraham’s old 2007 thoughts promoting UBF (though I was unaware that he had changed his mind since then). Still, that day initiated a process that the Spirit would use to lead me out of UBF.

Very soon, I started realizing that I was not growing by following UBF doctrine. My desire to seek Jesus felt stifled. I started noticing more and more doctrinal errors; once I subtly tried to flesh out an interpretation beyond the weekly message in my Friday testimony, but my musings were met with stunned silence from the others in my fellowship. More and more, I realized that as I was remaining in UBF, I was lying to myself, my co-workers, and ultimately to God. I started realizing that in order to lure “sheep” in, I would have to hide most unique aspects of UBF doctrine, such as arranged marriage, absolute attendance and sacrificing all worldly comforts, just like my shepherdess had done with me. I started realizing that all of the rebukes and the long sessions where higher-ups pressured underlings to conform was examples of manipulation. Most of all, I realized that none of these things were present in Jesus’ ministry, and that by supporting these practices I was going against God’s will for me.

Even still, I could not make the decision to leave UBF. There were too many conflicts in my mind. Hadn’t UBF bolstered my spiritual walk? Wasn’t there evidence of good fruit in the ministry? What if by leaving I abandon God’s will? I resolved to find out once and for all what the Spirit would have me do. I started studying Galatians on my own, without telling anyone, and spent hours meditating on the word of God. My morning and evening prayer sessions became directed at searching out God’s will, and I only found peace and joy in the prospect of leaving the ministry so that I could once again be honest with God. My family had started attending church again, and I had been listening to sermons from the lead pastors that grabbed my heart. I decided to email the lead pastor with my concerns, and phrased my message in a way that made UBF look as good as possible. His response to me was, “I have one word for you ‘cult’”, and he told me to leave as soon as possible and find a healthy, Jesus-loving community. Finally, class had started again, I had moved back into the university apartments and the music school Bible study had kicked into gear again. I brought up my concerns with my brothers and sisters in Christ, and they completely supported me in leaving and finding a healthy ministry.

After everything, I have realized that God aligned everything perfectly to give me the chance to be truly free in Christ. If I had not had my grandmother, I would not have had my early love for Jesus and desire to serve him. If I had listened to my shepherdess and skipped that choir trip, I never would have known what real Christian fellowship feels like, and I never would have had a support group for leaving. If my parents hadn’t started going to a wonderful, Jesus-centered church when I left for college, I never would have gotten that pastor’s advice. And if I hadn’t had all of that free time over the summer to pray and meditate on the Word, I might never have heard the Spirit’s voice. God brought me to the brink in order to bring me to freedom.

I finished up my duties to the church, including preaching one last message, and then sent an email to the chapter director and my shepherdess explaining why I was leaving that night. The chapter director responded with a blessing; my shepherdess did not. Over the next two months, I was contacted only three times by UBF people: once by my shepherdess’ husband inviting me to a conference (which I couldn’t attend anyway because I was serving at my new church and teaching a Bible study), once by another member asking where I was (to which I explained that God had led me out of the ministry), and once by someone with an anonymous Facebook account (probably because Facebook is taboo in my former chapter). Other than that, none of my former co-workers have tried to continue a relationship with me, though I have reached out more than once, and I know from two conference messages that I am considered to have “fallen away”.

After UBF

Adjusting after UBF was not easy. I immediately sensed a lack of discipline and focus in my life; this is partly because I no longer had a system of heavy shepherding to rule my every action, and partly because I no longer had recruitment as my central focus in life (perhaps “fishing” became a bit idolatrous; after all, when it was gone I distinctly felt the lack). I had to re-learn how to make Jesus the center of who I am and I am still working on how to best grow spiritually, but one thing I know for sure: I am in a healthier relationship with Christ now that I am free from those extra-biblical burdens.

I started attended a new church where some of my Bible study friends were members. It is not perfect (no church is), but in spite of the imperfections I know that God has called me to love and to be invested in the community. I serve, do Bible studies, and participate in community groups at the church, which have been a massive blessing to my journey of faith. Meanwhile, I am now leading the music school Bible study that was such a huge source of encouragement for me while I was in UBF. I struggle every day to seek Jesus in everything that I do and to be a living witness to the wonderful inheritance he has promised.

By the grace of God, I harbor no ill feelings toward anyone still in UBF. In fact, I still love them very much, and if you can believe it, I am grateful for the time God gave for me to be in the organization! In a sense, it was a way that He jump-started my faith, since during the process I began to read God's Word more diligently and to meditate on His Truth. Surely, God can use anything to build people up spiritually; I've even heard of people who come to Christ through prosperity gospel preachers. However, my heart breaks for those who are still being hurt by UBF. I continue to hear stories of people overcome with anxiety and depression because of the intense pressure of the UBF lifestyle, and I fear for their faith since that pressure is based on these extra-biblical practices. Jesus, please show them the light!

I pray that God would use this testimony for the edification of the Body, whether to help those currently trapped in UBF or another cult-like organization. I realize that I had it fairly easy; I was only in the organization for just under a year and I had a support system to leave. Many people do not have those luxuries. If you are struggling with these issues and need a friend or a brother in Christ to talk with, or if you just want to talk about Jesus, please feel free to contact me. And remember that whatever you do, “neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”

God bless you all!

MH, a.k.a. Hertoa

tl;dr: I met Jesus when I was young, but never had a strong foundation of discipleship. Therefore, I was led into UBF because I was a young, idealistic, emotionally vulnerable college student away from home who felt the need for spiritual structure and discipline. I was attracted by the zealousness of UBF and opened up to my shepherdess immediately, accepting UBF doctrine and becoming a "shepherd".

I gave up time, money and comfort freely to the organization hoping to serve God. Soon, however, I realized that the UBF system has many doctrinal errors and uses manipulative and deceptive tactics to recruit and teach "sheep". So, I spent two months praying, meditating, and seeking Christian counsel in order to determine God's will. In the end, He revealed that if I stayed in UBF I would be lying to myself, my co-workers and to Him, and my spiritual health depended on my departure.

Since leaving, I have found a healthy, Jesus-loving ministry where I serve and have been growing in my relationship with Christ every day, and I still teach the Bible on campus. In the end, I'm grateful even for all of these struggles that the Lord led me to encounter, because he truly works all things for the good of the one who believes.