Wednesday, October 26, 2016

UBF “Fishing” 10/18/16 -text messages amongst EX UBF Members

UBF “Fishing” 10/18/16 -text messages amongst EX UBF Members

C: Unfortunately, they fish to teach false doctrine and indoctrinate people to UBF, but fishing is just another religious activity for them in how they try to discipline their flesh, it would be different if they went out to actually preach the gospel with people.

K: It Seems to me that even “fishing” in the UBF sense is unbiblical. It’s not an attempt to preach the gospel, but rather to trick young people into attending subtly deceptive recruitment sessions. Find me one example of Christians “fishing” one to one students in the scriptures. Find me one passage that 
says one to one is better than groups because it’s easier to control someone that way.

C: @K couldn’t have said it better.

A: Well it becomes unbiblical because if you leave their bible study you leave God’s will in some way.

E: Fishing is cool, but it’s not the only way… I would have fun fishing.

E: Teaching was harder.

C: Cool doesn’t make it right or correct.

E: I hated when I had to “challenge” students tho…  man it would get heated.

A: When It becomes about student staying instead of just giving them the gospel and pointing to 
Christ- then that’s when it gets crazy!!

A: Yeah, me too.

E: I think fishing is biblical but for the most part I think Jesus sent them out two by two.

E: But yeah what they do isn’t even fishing.

C: Its evil for them to make us think you’re sinning when you’re not fishing.

E: It’s just plain hunting people down.

A: yeah, that’s true @C and @E

C: Or for them to make you fell obligated to fish.


E: Yeah that’s a sing on their part

A: @k-yeah fishing just “College Students”

E: That’s that binding heavy loads on u

A: yup!

K: There are other similar activities that are biblical, but I would call it by another name because it is another thing. “Fishing” is the process of specifically looking for vulnerable people and enticing them via half truths into a situation where you can manipulate them easier. There are specific cases where fishing can be biblical, but UBF generally pressures you to approach It the “Ideal” way.

C: The work of God is the work of the Cross on what Christ did at Calvary overcoming sin and death! That’s the power that saves us is what He did with his blood, fishing is not the work of God, they make you believe fishing is the work of God, and make you feel bad for not doing it.

E: Well Jesus did say that if you followed him he will make u a fisher of men.

A: Okay, so then how does that work… How do you make someone a fisher of men?!

E: You don’t Jesus does.

A: Okay true. But then what is fishing? Lol What’s the right way to fish?!

E: It’s not a requirement for justification but it’s a result of it.

E: But yeah I agree what UBF does is something else.

C: I believe there’s an appointed time when God will empower an individual by His Holy Spirit to preach the gospel, maybe when He thinks they’re ready.

E: Just throwing the word out there…like in the parable of the sower.. I doesn’t have to be on campus it can be anywhere… you throw the word/bait and then God draws people to himself through the word through/into the ocean of peoples.

A: Oh I see…..

K: By not setting out to prey on vulnerable people that you can mold into “disciples,” but rather to simply preach the gospel and to testify of Christ.

E: When you throw it into the sea… the sea actually represents the world based on a passage in 

E: Amen, yes to everyone.

E: N anyone

E: To every creature it says in Mark

A: Omg everything you guys said is sooo new to me… like mind blown!!! When did you guys realize this Cause you all had the same belief “System” as me at one time.

C: There's a lot we don’t share @A lol some stuff you might not be ready for lol

E: Just pray and read the scriptures without any preconceived bias n the spirit will speak to u

A: huh = (

E: Lmbo that sounds cultish

C: I’m just messin lol

K: A one to one Bible study can certainly be healthy and biblical, but only if done in the right spirit and in truth. We are not called to control people, and we have not failed when the people in our lives disobey us. We are called to love people and live for Jesus; God is the one who does the work. Remember, 3000 people were added to the church at Pentecost simply because they saw the love and the community of the early Christians… it is God who works.

A: Oh I hope so = (

A: @K- praise God

A: I started reading Matthew soo let’s see how God works. So many lies that need to be cut off!!!

E: Amen I agree with @K 100 percent but at the same time I do believe that everybody in the body of Christ has a function whether big or small… every function is important…. So although Christ did all the work necessary for  salvation we are still created for good works which he prepared before hand. Eph 2:1

E: Not in a legalistic sense but yeah

A: This is true

E: I don’t believe that all should be teachers or all should be shepherds etc.

A: Oh I see….

E: Its through our good works that God does the greater work… because Peter still had to preach in order  for the 3000 to be converted.


E: God can do anything he pleases but it seems to me that not all times but for the most part he uses a “vessel” to accomplish his purposes… correct me if I am wrong.

K: Oh yes of course. God works through us; that is the way He has designed his kingdom. But as soon as we try to manipulate people we are no longer letting God work.

K: Though as we all know He can still choose to work even through our flawed actions.

E: Amen… yes there are two phrases in the scripture… one is quenching the spirit and another grieving the spirit.

A: Amen!! So I can copy and paste these messages in a document and post them on the blog we have? Lol

E: My understanding is that quenching the spirit is when you don’t do what the Holy spirit is leading you to do… the other grieving the spirit is when you do the opposite to what the spirit desires.

E: UBF are pros at quenching the spirit

E: The Spirit will start to work through the preaching of the word, but then its put out or quenched when they include their false teachings, then at that point the spirit is grieved as well.

E: N then a counterfeit spirit creeps in

E2: Go for it @A

E: What’s crazy is that on the end everyone even Satan serves Gods purpose… in a sense.. for example the Pharisees and even the Romans served Gods purpose by crucifying Christ… but yeah I don’t want to be the one to serve God in the way lol

A: Lol yeah NO!!

C: @A I think part of the deprogramming that we have to do is separating our identity from the word of fishing and the religious thing we did at Shepherds Church, a lot of our identity was shaped up by what we did in that church, that’s why it was easy to become proud and self-righteous, when you were doing better than others in trying to discipline your flesh, your identity became at the expense of the religious work you did, that’s why when failed, you felt bad, condemnation came, guilt, and at times you weren’t even sure about your salvation when you weren’t doing the “work of God,” so you’re identity went up and down because you based it off of you and your actions, we have to learn to only shape our identity in Christ and His actions for us, what He did for us, surrendering what we are currently doing, and what we will do, to allow what he is doing to be accomplished and achieved in and through our lives.

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